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(Summary version adopted in June 2015):


Hampton Uniting Church – a worshipping community:

  • seeking to reflect the kindness and grace embodied in Jesus Christ

  • practising the healing of souls through deep listening, prayer and hospitality

  • living faithfully and hopefully in the world God loves as a member of  and in partnership with the ecumenical church.


(Full version adopted in November, 2006):


The Hampton Uniting Church recognises the Basis of Union as the foundational document of the Uniting Church.

  • Accordingly, we receive the witness of the Old and New Testaments and the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion as the means by which God is present to his people.We also receive the church’s reedal statements as authoritative statements which declare and guard the right understanding of the faith.

  • We commit ourselves to the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ as the world’s hope in faith and obedience.In worship, the church’s primary act of mission and its goal, we seek to be faithful to the call to discipleship.

  • We commit ourselves to seek understanding in faith.We believe that our faith and obedience is nourished by informed study of scripture and creeds.

  • We understand ourselves to be bound to all those who similarly receive the revelation of God and are called to be the people of God.We seek to bear witness to the unity of the church which is both Christ’s gift and his will for the Church through our ecumenical relationships and activities.

  • Through the revelation of Jesus Christ, we have seen that the way of God is a hidden way which seems weak and foolish to the world.Therefore, we commit ourselves to seek those places where God is hidden, to listen to those who are largely not heard, and to give voice to the perspective of the most powerless people in the world.

  • As a community of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to hospitality and care.We seek to reflect the mutual love and kindness of the community of God into which we are drawn in Christ.We also seek to reflect the shared joy of Father, Son and Spirit in our life together.


This Mission Statement was then further developed in 2009 to include the following ‘Key Values’


True worship

We seek to hold the Christian line, remaining true to the received tradition and the Word.


The future:

  • A congregation which worships every Sunday

  • A congregation which is grounded in the biblical and scholarly tradition affirmed in the Basis of Union

  • A congregation whose worship is open to the Spirit and to the worldRe

  • A congregation whose worship is consistent with the liturgical traditions of the Church

  • A congregation which lives ecumenically, which continues to seek opportunities to share in worship with other churches in Hampton (eg Services during Holy Week, the Good Friday Walk of Witness)

  • A congregation whose church meetings include prayer which is connected to the prayer of Sunday worship

  • A congregation in which Communion is distributed regularly to ‘home bound’ members


Living God’s Grace

We seek to reflect the kindness and grace of the Community of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


The future:

  • A congregation which experiences the life of God in worship and life lived together

  • A welcoming congregation which knows the hospitality of God and is committed to hospitality and care.

  • A congregation which reflects the mutual love and kindness of the community of God and is mutually supportive and encouraging

  • A congregation which listens to the world and the wider church to perceive the needs to which it might appropriately respond (Support through giving to Prahran Mission, Mission and Service donation, West Timor appeals are ways in which this might continue to be achieved.)

  • A congregation in which people are encouraged to participate according to their gifts and graces

  • A congregation which shares in the acknowledgement and celebration of milestones in the lives of congregational members (such as significant birthdays)


Healing Souls

We seek to enact our foundation stone’s sentiment:

 “To the Glory of God and for the Healing of Souls.”


The future:

  • A congregation which hears God’s healing Word in worship

  • A congregation which emphasises pastoral care through regular visiting

  • A congregation which is open to the exploration of the faith through book clubs, discussion groups, special programs etc (such as , occasional Bible studies)

  • A congregation which fosters friendships and is welcoming and open to new members

  • A congregation which regularly prays for members in need

  • A congregation which maintains its commitment to Christian Meditation


Renewing connections

We seek to be renewed through worship to serve the community.


The future:

  • A congregation which celebrates and supports individual outreach

  • A congregation which offers the use of halls and facilities to community groups

  • A congregation which invites others to participate in programs and events

  • A congregation which lives ecumenically (The communication of Hampton churches’ events to the wider community through leaflet distribution is one way the community is connected with the work of the churches)

  • A congregation which is regularly represented at Presbytery

  • A congregation which works cooperatively with local UCA congregations in the Bayside area to support each other’s distinctiveness and diversity.(The communication of particular areas of interest in each congregation to the churches of the area and the community itself might achieve this goal.)

  • A congregation which regularly communicates through NUCH to those who no longer attend worship – as well as to congregational members


Faithful lives

We seek to live as God’s people in the world that he loves


The future:

  • A congregation which lives faithfully in the world

  • A congregation whose members are actively involved in the local community

  • A congregation which looks for opportunities to appropriately respond to need

  • A congregation which seeks to use the world’s resources responsibly through:

    • Installation of solar electric array

    • Progressive introduction of low energy globes

    • Recycling of all appropriate waste

  • A congregation which diligently maintains and responsibly uses its buildings and resources

  • A congregation which has a succession plan in place for all major responsibilities within the congregation

  • A congregation with responsible financial management to ensure continued self-sufficiency

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